Android, Canada, Chrome extension, Gmail, Google, Google Chrome, Google Voice, Hangout Industries, YouTube
Google brings out a new update from Gmail, those who are in merge like Google+, Gmail and the Chrome Extension, with clear voice you can make calls from Gmail accounts. Google is making very happy for his users that staying in the US and Canada now they can make call free to all over the country via a website where is Hangout service available. The improvement came on Desktop user in many ways. Like you add unlimited phone numbers and videos adding to same users, and add different sound music themes with Google supported apps. To find the new phone icon on Gmail and ‘call a phone’ on a menu item in Google + users as well as Chrome Extension.
Google says “Hangout is designed to be future of Google Voice and making and receiving calls is starting point”.
[SOURCE: Gmail. blogspot]
Syed Ali Abubacker
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