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If you want to know about your movie information from your saved PC, Movie info is a place that support to collect the details of your movies using with an IMDB data center. It can search the file with automation functionality of video clips that was stored on your computer to bring out movie details. It will display your movie title, IMDB rating, genres, all of the movies. And also it can support TV shows and video songs are included in this feature. The main concept on this website that find you faster of your movie details and if their movie data available on IMDB center.

IMDB is an online database center to accumulate the movies, TV shows, and video songs and games and more. The website follows the same procedure, but it’s quite different comparing with Movies Info, it shows very limited feature are displayed, when you search the movie folder from PC. But it stands a very simple staircase. You can also check there are some websites rolling on the internet giving same feature and performance.

Source: Movies Info              Via: I love free software 

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Syed Ali Abubacker

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