If you are new in online trading or you already in this field when you are going to buy or sell the stocks you have to pay some commissions. Most of the time, whatever you earn from the product the high commission eat you before you make a profit. For this issue Robinhood is an iOS app solution, through this app doing an action you no need to pay any single penny.
You no need to thing big that you want to work into deeply. When you go to buying and selling those stocks, it’s not a big deal to invest in your future life. All you have to do once you open the app and search the company that you want to buy a stock by tapping the button, and set out the number of shares that you are going to make sure, you can watch the app layout comes with dark colorful shades and if the stocks are open or close you may know with white and black colors. And also the app clearly highlighted green and red are the indication to visible the stock graphs. If anyone raise on his mind about the security Robinhood app well support with touch ID or user can create a custom PIN code and all users personal profiles with strict with SSL.
Robinhood stays in top form when you start accessing through on mobile app, and the app notifies you once the event was set up – earning from stock, dividends, or stock splits and many more you will get up-to-date right from the app. The app comes with a free, so you can download the app from the app store.
Source: Robinhood App for iOS, Android
A new update: 14/08/2015 Robinhood is now available on Play Store.
Syed Ali Abubacker
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