
Image Credit: Antibody
Try to visualize your hard drive space on your Windows PC. You know very well there is an overly widespread of features when you compare to this category of software program, and each everyone needs certain type of details of the program. That’s why WizeTree comes to use on your Windows PC. The popular hard drive analyzer for Windows that analyze plenty of folders and files on the hard drives. And now the tool gets update into v 2.0.
This new update brings more advance without removing any of the current functions that was created with more powered in that place.
WizTree 2.0 brings no limited service on the NFTS file system as you can start with the scan button through all drives at the moment. This now support all kinds of drives and also this is the new program. It brings the support not only for drives, it can offer to scan directories as well.
A few more features that you can able to search particular files. This option will offer to exhibit precise files after you are done the scan. Through this you can display particular file format or file path. You can sort out easily those files result automatically by size, but at the same time you can bring some correction on the date and time. This application can run without any administrative requirement access more.
Finally, WizTree 2.0 will support Windows Explorer integration. Which comes default once you have installed the program on your Windows PC.
Source: WizTree for Windows
Syed Ali Abubacker
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