
Image Credit: Eltima
Nowadays, many computers will connect high-speed amount of internet and where installed low memory hard drives on their system device, these days cloud storage applications are coming more popular. For you application, documents, photos, videos and many another purpose you have been used multiple cloud platforms. In that way, Eltima’s Cloud Mounter $30 will support MacOS 10.10 and next level of version.
The company Eltima says:
”CloudMounter is a friendly system app for mounting multiple cloud storages and web servers on your Mac. As a result, you can work with them as with local drives. It is a great Mac FTP client as well as WebDAV client. Easily connect to Microsoft OneDrive, Google Drive, Amazon S3 and Dropbox in your Finder”.
Before you purchase Cloud Mounter, it gives you a trial version to download on your laptop as well. It works simply on your system. Once you open the app main window looks like multiple connections with account link buttons for every service and their privacy. All you have to find the application, enter your login name and straight away you can manage your bunch amount of files and folders to get through online in the Finder location on your laptop.
Through this, you get access to your cloud storage account, you never take seriously about your login credentials which the service doesn’t store any details. The app gets instant service for uploading any files and downloads the files through remotely using Cloud Mounter. It may cause drag and drop the files one place to another side.
Cloud Mounter will connect easily to web servers through secured FTP protocols, directly in the Finder, and set the online connection in your local drive. You can view the Cloud Mounter files through website or file server. The Cloud Mounter will take care all of your server settings and their user’s passwords are safely save inside the Keychain. And these send immediately to the servers encrypted site.
If any amount of files that has been saved on your local computer, the file manager Amazon S3 and WebDAV client works into any files uncomplicated.
Finally, you can succeed with network drives like Dropbox, Google Drive and Microsoft OneDrive these cloud storage servers are nearly closer to your computer hard drive. You can settle the OneDrive for a network, add files and folder to Dropbox and Drive without storing any files on your computer that you can upload to cloud storage.
If you have connected multiple cloud account, then Eltima invite you a lot of features to access through on your macOS computer.
That’s it.
Source: Cloud Mounter for Mac Via: Apple world
Syed Ali Abubacker
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