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Yelp shows business tactics by adding to search the gender neutral restrooms. It takes a big list to find where it was available.

With Yelp, you can find a new Gender Neutral Restrooms information in the business info of Yelp listing, at the same location you can find some other service like waiter service, Parking, Has TV, Alcohol, Offers Military Discounts and much more. At the moment the new update doesn’t appear, to search gender neutral restrooms, which brings more useful when you are traveling out and you need on it. The service starts from Yelp whoever user they can feed the comment and also the Yelp requesting every restaurant owners to include the details that should be coming within weeks or month.

That’s it.

Via: Yelp Official Blog

Syed Ali Abubacker
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Syed Ali Abubacker

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