If you think deeply how to stop autoplay video from Chrome? You aren’t only user, most of the users thinking about autoplay video and audio right on the web that gets annoying. Here it comes the secret revealed out with small adjustments to their settings when you disable the autoplay video and audio on Chrome for Mac, Windows and more.
Here you can learn to stop autoplay video and audio on your Chrome web. When you muting the tab or browser window on Chrome play video or audio, as it can seriously prevents on any Chrome tab or window that plays in the first position. Once you have done, you should take care to play audio and video through manual position.
Stop autoplay video on Chrome:
This option works on any operating system for Google Chrome, and best option is you don’t want to pick any extension or plugin to run the program.
Image Credit: OS X Daily
* Load Chrome or Chrome Canary
* Type “chrome://flags” on the address bar and give Enter
* Search box on the top, type ”autoplay”
* See the ”Autoplay policy” and take down and choose ”Document user activation is required” from the submenu.
* Restart the Chrome to make changes.
That’s it. You can test it on YouTube whether your video or audio is giving output autoplays. If you aren’t interested to continue manual, audio and video player, you go back the same set default in the submenu.
Via: OS X Daily
Syed Ali Abubacker
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