Now, it’s a kids time. The company Facebook concentrates to make service for kids under age of 13. Howsoever, it’s not heavy to access those functions nowadays to meaningful world on the internet. If your kids want to send text messages through internet, their parent wants to give permission to add Messenger Kids to click. This feature now you can find in the play store.
The Messenger Kids app was released first on the iPhone, after that it was rolled out into Amazon’s Fire tablets that happen last month. When it arrived at the play store to support Android device, it brings stickers and frames, along with Valentine’s Day special things. If you open this app the inner settings look more simple and colorful screen comparing to regular Messenger app.
In this app, you can watch out two important things, text and video messages, but all these contact lists were managed by parents. The kids parents available automatically to the contact list to make approve to send messages. After downloading and installing the app, you don’t find any ads and in-app purchases, you go straight away to the app.
That’s it.
Source: Messenger Kids
Via: Android Police
Syed Ali Abubacker
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